I Guess I’m a Creature of Habit!

Cato waiting to go to bed.

Last month one of my dads, Kevin, left me for a whole month while he went to Malaysia to visit his family. This is the longest time either of my two dads has left me. Usually, when both of my dads are home, Kevin, goes to bed at 9:30, as he has to get up early for work. This is a great time for me, so I gladly go to bed with him. I usually start to whine at about 9:15 to signal that I’m ready for bed.

My dad, Steve, doesn’t go to bed until much later, as he is retired and can stay up and watch TV. I wasn’t having any of these late-night bedtimes. At about 9 o’clock I would sit in front of him and stare. If that didn’t work, I would then start to whine. And if that didn’t work I started to bark and howl. Finally, Dad got up and headed toward the stairs. Naturally, having to be first I raced upstairs and jumped on the bed. But he fooled me. He went back down to watch TV. Can you imagine that? He wanted me to go to bed alone! No way was I going to bed alone! So I came back down to get him. After a few more of my antics, he relented and went to bed with me. It was almost 10 0’clock! I went right to sleep.

My dad, not used to going to bed so early, of course, got up early, but not me. I stayed right in bed until he went downstairs. My dad kept complaining to me that he didn’t like going to bed when it wasn’t dark yet, but I paid no attention.

Finally, my dad, Kevin, came back home. I was so happy. I could once again go to bed at a decent hour. But when he gets up early for work. I stay in bed with my dad, Steve, until he gets up later. I guess you could say I’m a creature of habit.

Okay, I’m Ready for Bed

Cato wants to go to bed.

One of my dads is away for a few days at a conference and it’s just me and my other dad at home. My dad, Kevin, who is away, always goes to bed earlier than my dad Steve, so I am not used to staying up so late. Today I went for a walk, had many treats, and spent time in the backyard, barking at anything and everything.

I had my dinner, brushed my teeth, been out to pee several times, and begged for treats, but not always successful. So now I am ready for bed. But my dad says. “it’s only 8 0’clock!” Isn’t it terrible that he’s making me stay up so late?

OMG, I Am So Tired!

Dog tired Cato.

It’s been another long day and it’s raining and boy am I tired! My dad took me for a walk, I begged for treats, had my dinner, and brushed my teeth. Now I have to take a nap before I go to bed. I have to go to bed every night at 9:30 or I get whiney and pushy. It’s tough being a dog, especially a spoiled dog!

I Think I Deserve a Treat


Sometimes, when I want a treat, which is most of the time, I just stare at my dad, until he gives me one. I usually don’t bark if I want something I just stare. My dad has to ask me what I want. When he says. “do you want to pee?” I bark and he lets me out to pee. If he says, “do you want a treat?” I go over to where my treats are kept. If he says, “do you want to go to bed?” I run upstairs and hop on the bed. I have my dads vey well trained.

Continuing The Tradition on My Own.

Top Dog, Cato

At times I really miss my little sister, Lucky, but now I’m the top dog around our house. I must admit that Lucky was quite bossy and got on my nerves a lot. She hoarded all of our toys and tried to steal my snacks and she also wanted too much attention. Our dads couldn’t take us for a walk many times because Lucky barked at everyone and everything and was not at all behaved.

Now things are different. I’m much more relaxed. I can have all the toys to myself, but I don’t touch Lucky’s favorite toy, out of respect for her. I can eat my meals in peace and I don’t have any competition for snacks. I also don’t have any competition for attention. I get it all!

I also go for a walk every day, which I love so much that I want to go several times during the day. I go right to my leash and harness whenever I want to go for a walk. When I am walking with my dad I mind my own business and don’t bark at all. Whenever I meet another dog I don’t growl or bark, but simply do my sniffing to get to know them. I even wait until I get home to pee!

I get to visit the neighbors (for even more attention) with my dads and simply lay at their feet until they are ready to go home. However, when it gets near my bedtime, 9:30, I start getting antsy and want to go home.

Life is different and life is good. I’ll keep you all up to date on how I’m doing. Keep reading my blog, please.

Happy New Year!

Lucky and Cato in their pjs.

We would like to wish all of our human and pet friends a very Happy New Year. We’re in our pajamas, but there’s no way we are going to stay up until midnight. That’s way past our bedtime.

I hope in 2022 we all enjoy good health and lots of yummy treats. Now off to bed to greet a new year.

Lucky’s Favorite Spot in Bed!

    As soon as it gets dark outside Lucky can’t wait to go upstairs to bed. Once we go to sleep she lays at the foot of the bed, but as soon as I fall asleep she manages to find her favorite place on the pillow just behind my pillow. Often times she will rest her head almost on top of mine. Cato on the other hand loves to sleep between us and will not allow Lucky near his spot! I often wish for a King Sized bed!

Waiting to go to Sleep.

This is our humans bed, or at least they think it is! We have our own beds, but we really like this one better. For some reason our dads don’t want to sleep in our beds, so we sleep with them in theirs. Whenever one of our humans goes upstairs we always go and get on the bed just in case we can take a nap with them. We are usually ready to go to bed after dark and can’t wait to run upstairs to sleep for the night.

Bed Time

    In the last post you saw a picture of us taking a nap before bed.  Now we are showing what happens when it is actual bed time and we go to sleep with our humans.

This is where we are supposed to sleep, but don’t. 

This is where we actually sleep.

When we are in bed we don’t like to move an inch. Our humans have to squeeze in between us when they get into bed. We sleep until morning and until we decide when our humans get up!