I Have Become a Star!


Hi! It’s me, Lucky.  I have some news to share with everyone.  I am becoming famous on Facebook.

 My dads have purchased a Tovala oven and subscribed to the prepared meals to cook in the oven.  My dad, Kevin, loves to cook and when he cooks the Tovala meals he takes pictures of them to share on Facebook.  Every time he prepares a meal and takes a photo I’m naturally close by his side, in case a morsel of food falls on the floor. Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened yet.

People who see his posts and photos on Facebook have noticed that I’m in every photo.  Some people were surprised when they noticed that my brother, Cato, photobombed the post because they thought I was the only dog, haha.

If you want to see one of the posts from my dad, here it is.

My dads thank Tovala for their oven and their meals.

Nothing Escapes Us

Cato and Lucky watching over the back yard.

Sometimes our humans try to sneak away and work in the front yard or talk with the neighbors across the street.  They think we don’t know where they are, but nothing escapes our watchful eyes.
From this vantage point, we can see if there is anyone walking down the street or if the mailman is coming.  If there’s a dog being walked or a delivery truck on the street we always sound the alarm.  Our humans say we think we own the street and everyone has to ask our permission to walk down the street or welcome company into their homes.  That’s not true, but it would be nice if it were.  We may be cattle dogs, but we’re good watchdogs too!

We Have to Apologize for Our Humans

It’s been a long time since we’ve posted anything on our blog and for that, we both apologize.  The fact is that our human has been extremely lazy for quite a long time. You would think he would have much more time to help us write these posts since he and everyone else has been sheltering in place as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.  My other human dad is working from home so we get to spend a lot more time with both our dads.  

Our dad that helps with our blog has been spending his time writing his other blogs, which are about stuff like politics.  We are not interested in that guy my human doesn’t like and blogs about, mainly because that guy doesn’t like dogs.  After a whole day of whining from Cato, my human has agreed to start writing more for us on our blog.

We hope he will keep his word and help us write more.  If more people follow our blog I think he will write more. Please help us.  See you soon we hope.

It’s Been a Long Time!

My human dad who helps us write this blog has been very lazy lately so we haven’t written any posts lately.  We’re going to keep after him so we can share with you what we’re doing.  The picture above shows us once again waiting for a treat  One of my dads loves bananas and so do we.  Lucky especially loves bananas, but she loves any kind of food, except for her dog food.  

We had a very long and snowy winter and are happy that spring finally arrived and summer will begin soon.  We always get yelled at during the springtime  because we never wipe our muddy feet off when we go out in the rain to pee.  My dad always cleans up after us though.

In February we had another birthday part and we’ll post a couple of pictures soon.  We have to go out and play now since it stopped raining so we’ll be back soon

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Hi everyone. Lucky here. I am sorry that Cato and I didn’t post our Christmas photos and holiday wishes earlier. There was so much activity around here and you wouldn’t believe all of the food in our house! Our humans hung our stockings by the fireplace and we both went crazy with all of the good smells coming from what was in them. But we behaved and didn’t pull them down.
Neither one of us can read too well.
There were even gifts under the tree for my brother Cato and me, but we were both very well behaved an didn’t chew on them. We knew they were ours because we could smell that all too familiar pet shop smell. Neither one of us can read too well, but we can smell real good!
…we were both bad kids…
On Christmas morning we were both very excited to open our gifts. I tried to hide my big gift under the blankets on the couch, but Cato opened his right away. Finally I opened mine and found a big orange fish that squeaked. Cato got a big green turtle. I would have shown you pictures, but we were both bad kids and chewed them both up already. One of my dad’s told me that’s why he doesn’t buy us more squeaky toys.
I hope Santa forgets about this by the time next Christmas comes around!
We both got a brand new collar to wear. Cato’s is blue and mine is wild pink. You can see us wearing them in the photos above. Cato has such long hair you can’t see his very well. We also got a lot of goodies in our stockings, but we only get one treat each day. I was a naughty girl today and climbed onto a chair and stole some Christmas cookies that were on the dining room table. I hope Santa 
forgets about this by the time next Christmas comes around!
Happy New Year!
Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, but Cato and I don’t stay up until midnight to celebrate because we start getting ready for bed around 9 PM. Our dads celebrate though and told me to wish everyone a Happy New Year from them and Cato and myself.

Cato and Lucky’s Birthday Party

February 27th was Cato and Lucky’s 4th birthday.  It is an easy birthday to remember because they were born 1 day before Kevin and I moved to the United States and 2 days before my birthday!  They had a party with each of them having a peanut butter cake made especially for dogs.  They also wore party hats which they did not like at all, but they kept them on.  They really loved the party, but not as much as we loved watching them!

I’ve Been a Bad Girl! Again.

    I’ve been a bad girl again.  Every time one of my dads comes home I bark and bark and bark at him.  I am trying to scold him for leaving me and not taking me with him.  When my dad Kevin comes home and I bark at him he puts this muzzle on me and I really don’t like it.  When this happens I go to my other dad, Steve and he usually takes it off after a couple of minutes. I never learn my lesson and I bark again whenever anybody comes home.  I also bark at every little noise outside and I bark for no reason at all sometimes. I’m just a bad girl, but I am cute, haha.