Happy National Puppy Day

Cato and Lucky at 2 months old

 Today is National Puppy Day and I just had to share a photo of Cato and Lucky on their first day with us. We bought them from someone who posted their photos on a pet adoption site. We picked them up in a parking lot at Chili’s in Henrietta. We were only going to take one, but we couldn’t decide, so we took both of them. We couldn’t resist and we have had no regrets! How could someone not love puppies? Just thinking!

Lucky’s Favorite Spot in Bed!

    As soon as it gets dark outside Lucky can’t wait to go upstairs to bed. Once we go to sleep she lays at the foot of the bed, but as soon as I fall asleep she manages to find her favorite place on the pillow just behind my pillow. Often times she will rest her head almost on top of mine. Cato on the other hand loves to sleep between us and will not allow Lucky near his spot! I often wish for a King Sized bed!

Happy Birthday Cato and Lucky!

Lucky and Cato anxiously awaiting their Birthday Cakes.

Finally they can dig in!

        On February 27, 2017 Cato and Lucky celebrated their 3rd birthday complete with a  party abirthday cake for each of them. They thoroughly enjoyed every single crumb! They may be 3 years old, but they still act like puppies.