Breakfast Buddies

Lucky and Dad, Kevin.

Every time one of my dads eats breakfast,or any other meal, I’m right there to join them. I just want to make sure that the floor is kept clean from fallen food. I’m so helpful, aren’t I? if you’re wondering where Cato is, he’s watching from under the table.

Dinner at Our House

Our dad, Steve, Lucky and Cato.

At our house we eat every meal as a family, with dads Kevin and Steve and Cato and myself. I guess our dads really don’t have another choice with us around. Usually we are a little bit better behaved than what you see in the photo above. Well, at least Cato is better behaved. Usually I am actively watching every bite that goes into my dads’ mouths. Cato is usually resting quietly under the table. But once he hears my mouth open he’s up in a flash, hoping to get some of what I had.

Even though Cato and I always eat before our dads, we are always ready for a sample of what they are eating. Sometimes we are lucky and are given a morsel to sample, as long as it is healthy for us. When my dad clears the table and puts the dirty dishes in the dishwasher I always try to preclean them as they are placed in the dishwasher.

After everything is cleaned up my dad asks “who wants to brush their teeth?” and we both run to where are treats are kept. Then he gives us our dental chews so we can keep our teeth clean.

This is our routine every time our dads have a meal or a snack. When we have company we are a little more behaved., even when our favorite food, pizza is served. Cato and I always wonder why our dads never take us out to a restaurant with them. They must think we wouldn’t behave. What do you think?